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release Year 2018 108129 Votes David Gordon Green Horror USA Info Laurie Strode confronts her long-time foe Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing spree on Halloween night four decades ago

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Really in 2018? Plot like that can happen in 90ties not in 2018. Watch halloween full movie online free hd at home gym. Watch Halloween Full Movie Online Free HD at home business. Watch halloween full movie online free hd at home game. Watch halloween full movie online free hd at home use. Watch halloween full movie online free hd at home page. Watch halloween full movie online free hd at home online. Watch halloween full movie online free hd at home movie. After waiting so long and going through all the truck loads of hype, the new Halloween is finally upon us and it is Glorious.
This movie is considered the official franchise part 2 to the original Halloween (so forget Halloween 2, or any other for that matter) and we pick up with our favorite scream queen 40 years later. The downside to all this is the plot is literally recycled from Halloween 4 (or part nothing o guess. Michael is being transported to another place and the vehicle crashes then he escapes. Seriously, if you have seen ANY Halloween movie you got the plot already without even buying a ticket.
Jamie Lee is at her best her, not a scream uttered, she is armed to the teeth and ready for her final confrontation with Michel Meyers. She also brings her daughter and granddaughter along for the ride this time. Theo only problem is that the daughter and granddaughter (as well as most of the other characters in the movie) fit the usual overdone horror movie 'types.
The daughter (the sceptic who thinks her mother is crazy and demands she get help or she'll never see them again) and Granddaughter (the ditzy teen that wants to fit in but whos boyfriend screws her over at the dance and can not be tracked down when the crap hits the fan) are the worst ones in the movie aside from the father (the typical I'm an idiot man, mean and think Laurie is a nutcase) they are the ones who do the stupid horror movie things 'tripping when the killer is after me' talking and shushing loudly when they're hiding from the killer'
The 'final fight' is actually a lot better than you would expect, Michael is not going up against a victim, he's going up against an equal. Much more satisfying than Jason Verses Freddy.
As with all movies I did have a few complaints, so here's my TRICK for this Halloween TREAT:
1: The Granddaughter. She's supposed to be a modern tough woman of today and some times she seems just like that. Then her boyfriend cheats on her and she becomes every female horror movie character in history. Let me take a dark deserted shortcut I don't know home. I'm being chased by a killer, let me run through the deserted roads and bang on every door I can. I'm running through the woods being chased by the killer and I fall. I'm stuck in a vehicle with the bad guy and instead of take offered chances to escape I curl up in the corner and scream constantly. In a dark house followed by the killer, let me walk in and scream you name so he knows where we are.
2: The husband. I can not express how much I wanted his character to die. He was supposed to come across as a tough love type of guy but it just played out as a dumb guy who was a huge jerk.
3: The Easter eggs. It was cool seeing things from the other movies here and there, but it got to the point where almost every other shot was a re-creation of a scene from the original Halloween. I see the irony in the scenes and the tribute to the other movies, but at the same time I thought this was a new movie? Why keep copying the others? If I wanted that it'd just watch the original Halloween again. Also at one point you see three kids in the skeleton, the witch and the pumpkin masks from Silver Shamrock (Halloween 3, season of the witch) but if the other sequels didn't happen, did the silver shamrock company ever make those masks? But if they did then. OUCH! MY BRAIN!
4:The Halloween dance. During their 'argument' Allyson's boyfriend takes her phone and throws into (from what I could tell was a large glass bowl of vanilla pudding) and she just storms out. Really? As a teenage girl you're just gonna leave a thousand dollar IPhone stuck in pudding, with all our selfies and social media stuff and phone numbers, and not care about loosing all that? SURE.
5: The British journalists. How did Michael know they were at the cemetery anyhow? They had a good day and a half if not two days to go anywhere, how did Michael track them down so quickly? Did he put a GPS tracker in his mask just in case? He must be really good at those pictures with hidden objects in them games.
6: The therapist. His plot twist wasn't that much of a shock, you looked at him in the first scenes and thought "There's something not right about this weirdo." Hasn't this been done a billion times? Luckily this plot thread is stomped out it? STOMPED. Go watch the movie then re-read that.
7. Laurie vs the neighborhood. So she knows Michael is there, ok. She goes there to kill him, ok. But once she gets there she starts flashing and swinging a gun around everywhere scaring people off? Then runs into the cop and he's just "Oh, you're here to shoot and kill Michael, weird, so am I!
8: The little babysat kid. I don't know who that kid is but someone needs to give him his own series, he was hilarious. His jokes were funnier than any the jokes written into the script.
9: The jokes. The bulk of them fell flat or where not needed. Like did we need a 5 minute comedy bit about the two cops lunches? It seemed like the movie was purposely stopped at certain times just for the jokes.
10: Head butts. Apparently being locked up for 40 years give Michael enough time to trademark his new head butt killing move. Almost half the victims were head butted to death into a wall, door, car door, gate, a table, window; you name it he's slammed some poor unsuspecting schmucks head into it.
11: The daughter and granddaughter in the bunker. The killer is above you, you are hiding in this bunker full of weapons and you start talking really loud to each other? Shut up! The whole idea of hiding is so that no one will find you. Also, you're in the bunker and no one thought to get a gun from the closet full of guns until the very last second? Do either of you really want to live? Also Laurie in the bunker earlier, she and her daughter are safe and what does she do? SHOOTS UP AT MICHAEL GIVING AWAY THEIR HIDING SPOT! If you're gonna do something as stupid as that first off, what good is the 40 years worth of training for?
12: Laurie spying on Michael. You're in your car trying to drink your way to enough courage to shoot Michael and what weapon out of your huge heavy duty gun armory do you bring to finish him off once and for all? A small pistol. You were really going to get the chance you've wanted for 40 years and use the noisy cricket?
13: The deletion of the other movies in the franchise. Here is my main problem with it. This is now the official sequel to the original. Ok. But though it everyone keeps calling him a monster and an unstoppable force. Lets think about that. A dude kills 5 people in the 70s (Like the drug kid said, is pretty small by our standards today) and he's considered an inhuman monster? He tried to kill Laurie and was captured so now she KNOWS he's going to come back. Why? He never gave any indication that he would. It could be a one time thing and that's it. Now, if we took this as part 3 and had the original and part 2 stand on its own THEN I'd get it. In part 2 he went bat crap crazy killing 11 people and chasing Laurie around trying to kill her. From that standpoint he WAS an unstoppable monster because he had come back and went on another killing spree. It just seems like trying to categorize him from the first movie makes him a light weight and no one of any importance, certainly no a monster you would use a manhunt to find and kill.
Well, there you have it. My gripes are over.
In the end Halloween delivers on the good old fashioned horror that made the 78 movie so good. This movie has heart, you KNOW the people involved are huge fans. You can tell this was not taken lightly and that this was a labor of love. Hey, seeing as how everything old is new again why not? Its been a while since we've seen Michael at his best and this is it. The fight every ones been waiting for.
This movie may not make you believe in the boogeyman, but like many of us, you'll be glad he came home again.


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